Something for Me

Illustration by Gabi Abráo / @sighswoon

Illustration by Gabi Abráo / @sighswoon

The great Audre Lorde once said, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”

Self-care is a hot topic across the wellness space, which is awesome because we can all use some self-love. Self-care is loosely defined as anything that contributes to your overall well-being. For some people, it’s indulging, pampering and de-stressing. For others, it’s a variety of decisions, actions and intentions to soothe and fortify ourselves against everything life throws at us. 

Whether you are in need of a mental vacation, want to incorporate more self-care into your daily routine or want to feel good after a bad day/week, I’m here to guide you through creating your personal self-care kit. Think of it as a first-aid kit, but for your mental health. Your kit doesn’t have to be physical, it can also just be a list of things you like to do to get yourself out of a funk. I created my own self-care kit based around my moods/feelings, so I’d have the tools to “replenish” myself whenever I needed it. First I set aside space in my room for physical supplies then I made a list of activities that make me feel whole.  

Here’s a list of self-care inspiration based on different moods:


  • Take a nap with a comfy pillow, blanket and/or stuffed animal.

  • Listen to chill music like Solange, Sade, Tame Impala, Toro y Moi or a Lofi playlist.

  • Take an Epsom salt bath.

  • Drink a cup of your favorite tea. I love chamomile and rooibos tea after a long day.

  • Watch a feel-good movie on Netflix, like my personal favorite Dumplin’, or any of these.

  • Apply a soothing sheet mask for your skin type.

  • Yoga flow for relaxation.


  • Draw or paint.

  • Try a self-love writing exercise.

  • Make a mood board

  • Try a new makeup look and take pictures. I’ve been into bold eye makeup lately. 

  • Create a playlist of all your favorite songs. 

  • Write affirmations or favorite quotes on post-its and paste them around your room.




My personal self-care kit includes a coloring book, journal, yoga mat, lavender, and lemon essential oils, a plush zebra blanket, CBD oil, TONYMOLY aloe vera sheet masks, and chamomile tea, to name a few things. 

Your self-care kit can be whatever you want as long as it makes YOU feel good. Buzzfeed has a great article to get you started on your self-care journey. At the end of the day, listen to your body, make time for yourself and just have fun with it! 


Heaven Jones is a freelance video producer and entrepreneur. Find her on the web at her blog and online store, The Healthy Curl, and Instagram at @heavenj0nes for a unique perspective on wellness.

Gabi Abráo is the Los Angeles-based artist behind the popular meme account @sighswoon find more of her work at

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